A Knock at the Door

A Knock at the Door

My back was to the window. I saw the reflection in my computer screen as a car rolled past my house. The car was the same make and model as my brother’s in California. Lost in a day dream that he might have come for a surprise visit (unlikely, but a fun thought), I didn’t realize the car had pulled into my driveway and soon the doorbell rang. Answering the chime, I opened the door:


“Hi, I’m Ms. Smith from the city coming to verify you homeschool…”
My cheeks redden. Caught off guard, not knowing what this surprise visit was about. I see Ryder’s name on her clipboard and quickly realize this isn’t a joke. I offer her to come in and have a seat.

“We didn’t receive your paperwork that was due in August… We wanted to be sure that Ryder is receiving schooling for the 1st grade.”
“Yes, yes…” I hold my nervousness inside and quickly produce the electronic copies of the correspondence I had sent in July and resent in December when they informed me the information hadn’t been received as intended.
Ms. Smith looks embarrassed and now equally nervous at the situation. Awkward and unusual, yet still a very important task. She proceeds to ask more questions.
We laugh as she explains an apparent mix up. I laugh at the irony that the kids were nowhere in the house when she arrived and that my supposed “children” are “homeschooled” and are yet on a “field trip” with their Oma as I work from home.

DSC_9537The next day I receive a very apologetic e-mail from the superintendent’s office expressing more kind explanation for the mix-up. I respond with understanding and now more eager than ever to be sure paperwork is submitted and confirmed.

Isn’t this life sometimes? It doesn’t matter how much we prepare. How much we set things up to go according to plan. Sometimes the twists and turns, the knocks at our door, have nothing to do with our actions, but rather actions and missteps of others. Regardless, they affect our lives.


What I learned most from this rattling experience, one in which the next step is child protective services coming to assess if I am mismanaging my children’s education and they will whisk them away to school, is that being prepared at a moment’s notice is essential to life here and after.


Mark 13:32 tells us, “But about that day or hour [when Jesus will return] no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.” I don’t want to be caught in the frenzy of life unprepared. For Ms. Smith to knock and me to answer wholeheartedly was a matter of my children’s education, an education I am fully responsible for. Could the misunderstanding have been corrected later, sure. But to have it cleared up in a few minutes of proof was ideal for all.

Sometimes when reading the Bible it can seem far away. But other times, when experiencing what it describes, it makes it all so real. Admittedly, being a Jesus follower can be lack luster, difficult, questioning, joyful, amazing, frustrating, separating, wonderful, peaceful, and challenging…to name a few. Yet I am amazed at the moments where I feel like it is dull and stale, but then God gives me insight. New understanding. New motivation. I am open to it. I believe Him. I trust Him. I want to understand more, I want to grow, I want to be challenged. I want to answer that door fully prepared, in all its difficulty, brought on by my doing or another’s, and hear, “Good job, well done and faithful servant.” Will I measure up? Sure, by His grace and mutual dedication.

To trust when there is no cause for fear, is but the name of faith, but to be reliant upon God when occasions for alarm are abundant and pressing, is the conquering faith of God’s elect. – Charles H. Spurgeon


Call to Me, and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and mighty things, which you do not know. – Jeremiah 33:3

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. – Matthew 11:25-30


The Mini Macks are having a joyous spring. Filled with adventures to local parks with family and friends (Mt. Trashmore City Park and Norfolk Botanical Garden’s Lantern Asia display pictured in this post). School is going great, in case you all needed to know. Ryder has his first official testing, proctored by yours truly and mailed to an official testing organization, at the end of the month. Prayers appreciated for all involved and that the scores are received by the city (ha!). Rory turns five this month and cannot wait. She got her hair cut last month, grew a few inches, and is fending off Cody who finds pushing her buttons the most exciting sport. Cody is busier than ever and I have been dared to keep up! Lord knows if I can’t I know who to call to enroll him in public school.


2 Replies to “A Knock at the Door”

  1. You are doing an AMAZING work teaching your children not only the 3 R’s but also what they need to know when THEY hear that knock on the door (of their hearts) and look to one day hear the words “well done”. I look forward to one day spending all eternity with them!

  2. I love Paulette’s comment. I can’t wait either until “Well Done!” Then spend eternity w/all your friends and loved ones!! Halleleujah! Thank you Jesus! That picture of Rory in that dress; she is just beautiful! The red hair is something else too! They are just gorgeous children; you and Chris have totally been blessed by the Lord! Love you all!!