All Doors Open

All Doors Open

“Let’s color for a minute” Rory asks sweetly. It is early morning and Ryder has already declared the day “the best ever!”. No doubt the Krispy Kreme doughnuts left over from my birthday influenced that declaration. I pause to color a three by three sheet of paper. Satisfied, Rory skips off with her crayons. I look back to the screen to complete my request for an exit interview at the end of the month. My time at my job of eight years is coming to an end. The emotions are running high and mixed. This decision was mine. After much thought and prayer it is time to go. In a sentence – the kids need me.


The saying “When a door closes another door opens” isn’t how this feels. I feel more like “When all are doors open, shut a few”. No doubt this scenario has more positives than negatives – options breed creativity. Options are opportunity. Options are exciting. Realistically speaking however, options can bring waves of emotion.



I was talking to a friend at church the other day and she commented on how big Cody is getting. He is crawling, a big step towards independence. I told her how odd it is though that he can zoom from one room to another and yet he can’t let go of the crib after he has made it to his feet. Screaming, he will stand there waiting for someone to let him down, never realizing if he just let go he’d fall to the soft crib mattress. My friend says, “I am sure there is some lesson in that…”


As usual, that friend was on target. What she didn’t know is that it was for me as well. I have asked for this opportunity to focus more on a few areas of life rather than juggling many. Yet I am faced with waves of emotions and I need to let go. Surprisingly none financially (see money post here from the best husband on earth), it is more relationships and capability. Who will I let down in this decision? Will Chris think I am just hanging with the kids and could be contributing more like I have in the past? Will I be enough to meet their needs?

But first be concerned about God’s kingdom, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need. – Matthew 6:33

Ultimately the answer is no. I will need others to help in ways I am even unaware of. We will still have stressful days. I will need to give myself grace that although I am not a “working mother” to the capacity I have been for so many years, I will be a part of a “job” equally, if not more, important that ever before. Question: When did society get to this place though? That I feel the need to apologize for being more at home? Why does it make me feel better to say “well I will still have a ‘real’ job …for 15 hours a week.” And hope that I am not judged that it is part time and from home. As if the only justification for a do-it-all mom is one who works a 40 hour office job and does everything else on top of that.

So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. – Matthew 6:34

For some, who work outside of the home because of financial need and/or their kids are at school, I am sure there are just as many challenges socially; ironically, justifying that they aren’t at home with their kids is probably top on their list. Why is this? I think ultimately it comes to society asking the wrong questions. It is not “what do you do?” and hope a professional answer will justify. But it should be “How have you furthered the Kingdom today?” Obviously this isn’t something you can ask most, even those that profess being a Christian. It makes us all sweaty and break out in hives – “Um, you mean like for God? That’s rather personal don’t you think.” Well no, I don’t.



Being in an environment of children, it is no secret life changes constantly. Heck, they change shoe sizes within a month. Point being, raising children, working in an office, and all the “jobs” in between are important. Without good kids being raised well we won’t have great leaders in the future. Without office workers, etc. we won’t have other opportunities for our kids to learn, grow, and become so many things from people like you. So it is not “What do you do?” and your professional answer makes or breaks the acceptance. It is “Tell me the great ways you are a piece to this collaborative puzzle we call life.” “What are you doing to further the Kingdom?”

โ€œThe beauty of collaboration between older and younger generations is that we combine strength with wisdomโ€”a surefire way to accomplish more for the glory of God.โ€
โ€• Brett Harris


13 Replies to “All Doors Open”

  1. Beautifully said. I can honestly say I’m a better, stronger woman because my mom stayed home most of my life. And she had a husband that worked hard to ensure that she could. I would love to be home more, but God is giving my family grace for now.

  2. There is no job harder nor any job more rewarding than raising your children. Some would say working outside the home is the break that they need from raising their children. I’m blessed that you see it otherwise.

  3. Well said!
    May more of us realize that hearing the voice of God daily and moving as He wills is more important than any other job or assignment. Our identity should be in God alone.
    That said, keep reminding me of this as I freak out with a new school year approaching!!
    Mom ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. This is a message the church needs to hear. Since I graduated from college the question always is “what do you do?” Inevitably followed by questioning why you do what you do and therefore why not something else. Somehow the church as a whole has forgotten what we are truly here for when it comes to our day to day living.
    Kudos to you for following God and not our backwards culture. More moms need to make that tough decision..I know it isn’t easy!!!

  5. Ahhh…Charity. And this is why we’ll miss you so much at Regent. You have a beautiful spirit of diligence and service, a heart after the Lord, & a uniquely-you gift that encourages others to find their place in the puzzle. I have no doubt that you bring a smile to God’s face with every step of faith you take in honoring him with your choices. Those daily choices are already leaving a legacy behind for your little ones. Stay encouraged. Good things are ahead!

  6. You’re amazing. We have so many moms return to work whose hearts are not there anymore and all they’re thinking about are their babies. My parents weren’t financially able to stay at home but I did have a nanny and boy oh boy did that go wrong – I called her “mommy” and that was it. Mom got a night job and we spent waaaaay more time together. We are very close.

    My only wish for this world is that father’s get waaaay more involved with their kids. I don’t have a great rel with mine and that’s because he worked all the time

  7. Oops I hit send too soon!!

    My last sentence was going to say: So, you shouldn’t ever feel bad for wanting to bring up those kids right and give them more of you. You’re awesome – I wish I could see more of you ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. This is a subject I wrestled with almost 22 years ago, when Andy & I decided that my “staying home” was the best option for our family…it was something we both really wanted, and we were fortunate enough to not absolutely need my monetary contribution. For years, we’d go to different events where the first question of course was, “What do you do?”…and with my answer I often felt “dismissed” or looked upon as being a lesser woman in some way. I often wanted to scream, “I have a college degree! I actually READ – and not just children’s books! I keep up with current events; I have hobbies and friends, and sometimes I even – gasp! – get out of the house!” As women, we need to encourage each other to do what is best for each of us and our families…and that is not going to be the same thing for all families. Instead, we too often judge each other for our individual decisions. I have NEVER regretted being home with the kids when they were young…you can never get that time back…and while it may be excruciatingly difficult at times (which you have no doubt already experienced many times over), you will look back and know you did something truly wonderful…and so will your kids. <3 you all to the moon and back!

    1. Thanks Aunt Wendy! We love you too! So refreshing and encouraging to hear that decisions like this are in fact worth it.

  9. I agree! Why do we feel guilty for being stay at home moms? Why do we feel guilty when we aren’t?! I felt the same way when I got to stay home with Savannah while I cared for my Nannie (grandmother). After that blessing was completed, I had to go to work to help my family financially. There wasn’t another option. Everyone is different. My best friend is just starting her carrier as a lawyer. She knows that is what God has called her to do. Specifically to advocate for families. She also has a daughter. People have told her she should give up the “calling” to be a lawyer and stay home with her daughter and more specifically, her future babies. She doesn’t want to do that. She wants to protect more children than just her own. She went to school and spent a lot of money to do it! Why should she have to give it all up? Because her husband can afford to provide for all of their financial needs? Is that the only acceptable deciding factor?! I say no! You need to do what is best for YOUR family and what you know God has also put in your heart. It is different for everyone. I refuse to be labeled and put in a box. Right now I work and I send my child to private school. I do this 1) because we need the income from my job. and though my parents/siblings love me, they rather I not live with them for an extended amount of time. Therefore, I have to work to afford a house and
    2) I know that private school is the best place for Savannah right now.
    Do I feel guilty about not home-schooling her? Yes. Because that’s what my mom did. She was/is the best mom. So, if I want to be the “best” mom, I should homeschool too, right? Not necessarily. You have to do what is best for your family. Homeschooling isn’t right for us at this time. Maybe it will be one day, maybe it won’t.
    I say, good job to the home-schooling mom balancing so many things at home and raising up leaders for God’s kingdom! I say, good job to the mom/person
    who goes to work every day to help their family survive and further God’s kingdom at the same time by doing (fill in the blank)!It’s not what you are doing, but how you are doing it. It’s all equally important. And YOU are important.

    “You is kind, you is smart, you is important.” -Kathryn Stockett, The Help