Farms Grow and Cows Crow

Farms Grow and Cows Crow

“Cow! Cows can’t sleep.
Cows can’t sleep.
Cows can’t sleep
’cause they got that beat!

SWISH! CLANK! Swish-swish! Clank!
SWISH! CLANK! Swish-swish! Clank!
All that racket wakes Ol’…”

What’s more exciting that a midnight farm dance that gets bigger and bigger as the night goes on? Lindsey Craig and Marc Brown’s Farmyard Beat is dancing-silly-fun! Its just long enough not to get stale and fun enough to keep all ages entertained. So put on your boots, avoid the cow pies, and get dance’n! Swish-Clank!

Have you ever wondered why some things grow and some things do not? At two years old it’s probably something you haven’t specifically considered. But let us tell you that Do You Know Which Ones Will Grow? by Susan A. Shea and paintings by Tom Slaughter, has brought up very good questions indeed.

“If an owlet grows and becomes and owl,
can a washcloth grow and become…
a towel?”

This fun flip-flap book will get your little buddy sleuthing in no time. “Do you know which ones will grow? Think, then answer YES or No.” Ryder gives this book five out of five stars for its fun surprising flaps and “It’s fun all day!” So there ya have it, before nap or bed or just a way to get in your head – “Yes to cows. Yes to snakes. No to plows. and No to cakes!” – this book will be fun all day!

When I was little Good Night Moon scared me to death. The bunny mom in the dark room with red carpet was just eerily disturbing to me. I apologize to all those that love that book. Recently though, with no judgments attached, we stumbled upon another Margaret Wise Brown book (truthfully I didn’t notice it was by her until the third time we checked it out from the library).

Illustrated by Leo and Diane Dillon, Two Little Trains, takes two trains, one old wooden and one shiny metal through an adventure from east to west coast.

“Two little trains came to a river,
Came to a river going West.
With a Puff, Puff, Puff and a Chug, Chug, Chug,
They went over the river to the West.”


Rory, from just weeks old, to her now mature eleven months, will sit through the entire book every time. Ryder thinks its brilliant as well since it involves trains and a rhythmic beat.

“And the little trains stopped.
Their trip was through.
They had come to the edge of the West.”


We hope you enjoy these three books as much as we have!

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