It’s a …

It’s a …

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart.”

– Jeremiah 1:5a

Aside from the physical oddities of pregnancy there is also the miraculous wonder of it all. It is a part of Heaven that comes to earth with little understanding of how the rapid development truly forms this new person. Every day, every week, every month develops new milestones of important attributes: feet, brain, four chambers of the heart, fingers, and all pieces of greatness included upon departure at week 40. It is amazing. Let me show you, this is going on as we speak without any of my doing…

“As you do not know the path of the wind, or how the body is formed in a mother’s womb, so you cannot understand the work of God, the Maker of all things.” – Ecclesiastics 11:4

Those flutters. Those kicks. Those tumbles are unmistakable once you have felt them before. It is a part of pregnancy that never gets old and I am grateful for the experience.


Ryder was adamant that he was to have a little brother. A few Sundays ago, during breakfast, he made it clear that a brother was what he needed and that is what this baby is. I told him that was a wonderful thought. I hadn’t a clue if it was true. He told me it was, with red hair and brown eyes like him, and that he already has a sister.


Sure, sure, baby. We all have our hopes and dreams. But much like the flutters that go on inside me, I have zero control over what this baby was whispered to be upon conception.

Last night, as Ryder was dozing to sleep after bedtime books galore we talked about the events that would happen this morning. I said, “So, you think it’s a girl?” to which he said sleepily, “No. It’s my little brother. Stop calling her a girl.” I laughed and said, “How do you know?” He said, “I just do.” And fell asleep with his arm draped over my shoulder grasping my earrings for comfort. I laid there thinking of the great adventures he could have with a little brother, but then skeptically placed in thoughts of great adventures with two sisters.


His warm breath slowing to a deep-sleep pace, I found myself so thankful for Ryder and my Aurora girl and that God was blessing me yet again with another sweet baby.

As we adventured this morning to the doctor’s office Ryder smiled quietly the whole way there as if he knew the secret we had all been wanting to know. Before the technician could tell us the gender of the baby Ryder had already declared to her it was going to be a boy. Then Rory started chanting boy. Lo and behold evidence revealed itself and Ryder beamed with the biggest brother satisfaction I had seen. “That’s my baby brother…” he whispered, “My Cody.”

“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.”

– Psalms 139:13

We welcome you little brother come December! We are anticipating your arrival with great joy and excitement! Grow little friend, you have many adventures awaiting you.



14 Replies to “It’s a …”

  1. What?! How did I miss this big news?? Congratulations Mack family, so excited for your THIRD addition. (Third babies are really, truly fabulous!)

  2. Dear ones, HOW DID I NOT KNOW THIS? Well, now I can look forward to holding all 3 little Mack’s. We are in France for a few weeks. I’ll call when we get home. Love to you all!

  3. Cody Mack. Could you be more American? 🙂 Love it! LOVE it! I can’t wait to meet them all.