That Your Love May Abound More and More

That Your Love May Abound More and More

Over the next week a series of posts from a recent trip to Nepal will be shared. This trip was in partnership with The Nepali Rescue Project and the work they do there to rescue girls from sex trafficking. Thank you to all our team supporters, our family, friends, churches, and workplaces, for making this adventure possible for the team!


On the steps of the second home the girls gathered around with heavy hearts as they understood our three days of fellowship were coming to a close. The third day was joyful and rich. It was a true slumber party sort of day where we gabbed about monthly cycles and the science, wonder, and grumbles of it. How chocolate, a small piece put in each girl’s hand, was a reminder that God is good and He approves of chocolate! It is a comfort to many women in many cultures.

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Angie also shared how important hand washing, cleanliness, and oral health are ways to have a healthier home. We broke up the lectures with rounds of English and Nepali music. Versions of hot potato and songs brought via video from Charity’s mom provided endless fun.

After a lunch of noodles, fresh spinach, and spiced chick peas that some of us ate with our finger tips, Lynn then provided great insight to heart health. The balance of less salt, more exercise and water, the heart will be healthy and strong. The girls very much enjoyed these insights! Lynn gave us all a reprieve by taking us outside in the 90 degree shade of the side yard to stretch and relieve stress (the living room, where we sat cross legged all day on the floor was breezeless and no less than 100 degrees!).

The girls giggled their way through the stretches of hamstrings and back, neck and arms. We did a bit of kickboxing and then slow breathing. The hearts were working in more ways than one.

Angie asked for empty rice bags and taught the girls exercising can be competitive fun. Sack races were a silly sight! The girls were laughing so much!


As the sun began to lower and the golden light beamed into the windows, we relaxed watching the girls show off their newly found craft of hand embroidery. Shimmering beads carefully placed in rows to form the most beautiful floral patterns. They worked together, hunched over taught fabric circles.
I couldn’t help but feel the thankfulness of God. The hope a trade would provide when each girl graduates from this place. The community of friendships each has made. The support from others all over the world who have never met them, seen their smiling faces, feel the glorious transformation Christ has made.

So as we stood, gathered together in fellowship of the Almighty on the steps of this home, Angie encouraged the girls with one last piece of wisdom:
And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ—to the glory and praise of God. (Philippians 1:9-11 NIV)

We now travel three hours by van to our final home. Please pray they are receptive as the others and the three days are filled with energy as we provide our final round of education. Thank you all for your prayers and dedication. It hasn’t gone unnoticed!


Him we preach and proclaim, warning and admonishing everyone and instructing everyone in all wisdom (comprehensive insight into the ways and purposes of God), that we may present every person mature (full-grown, fully initiated, complete, and perfect) in Christ (the Anointed One). For this I labor [unto weariness], striving with all the superhuman energy which He so mightily enkindles and works within me. (Colossians 1:28-29 AMP)

With love from Nepal,
-Lynn, Angie, Amy, Bonnie, and Charity



If you would like to donate to EMPOWER (U.S. efforts to bring awareness to sex trafficking) please donate here. Or to donate to the Nepali Rescue Project (Nepal efforts to rescue and restore girls from sex trafficking) please donate here.

One Reply to “That Your Love May Abound More and More”

  1. Yes, we are just used for His purposes, but He gets all the glory! It is wonderful what you all did over there. Good stuff and important everyday things to teach them. Good for all of you!