Tracking August

Tracking August

“Mom! Mom!”
“I can’t hear you with the shower running in my ears…”
“MOM! The kitchen is smoking!”

I go running, barely getting a towel across my six month belly, tearing down the hallway soaking wet with soap in my hair expecting all the burners to be turned on and catching things on fire like small toys that had been catapulted on top.

“Oh…thanks Ryder, but that’s just the dishwasher steaming and drying the dishes.”
“Is that normal? Not smoke?”
“Normal. Steam. Not smoke. Look similar, smells different.”
“Ohhh, okay.”

And there was our science lesson for the day. Me half naked and dripping water everywhere and him now trying to figure out the complexities of steam and smoke. I make it back to rinse my hair only to have Rory toddle quickly behind and slip! whack! “whaaaa!” on the bathroom floor. Lord have mercy, its 9am and I am reminded, much like a piano falling on my head, why I normally shower in the afternoon.

August – much like the above example is a blur in my mind at this point. There was a birthday for yours truly where I passed a kidney stone after 51 hours of, I admit it Dad, worst than labor, pains. Thankfully I tend to “choose” things that do not affect my babies (gallstones with Rory, now kidney stones with Cody). I just “choose” things that are similar to shoving hardened raisins through tiny juice straws (#3 straw is the size of the “ureter” tube between kidney and bladder – okay, so two science lessons in this post! Riveting isn’t it?).


But as with both stone experiences, as soon as you say, “I’m pregnant” its akin to saying “I have the plague” and they say, “welp, here are some meds that we believe won’t bother your kid and might help you. See you in a couple of weeks! Oh and happy birthday!”

So yes, that cabin in the woods was very nice a few days after the above ordeal.


August was still successful! We found time for fun at parks, getting Oma a new hammock at the Outer Banks, NC with cousins Savannah and Elliot, and even just playing outside at home.





I even managed to somehow inspire Ryder to scrub a floor. And Rory to increase her vocabulary, “Thank you mamma!” “pancakes and blueberries.” “Oh no, it’s a _____” “All done, down, please?” “Paint. toes. please?” “Boy, boy, oooo!” (which refers to anything other than a boy, so I don’t understand it other than it sounds cute).




Here’s to September! Free of stones, full of fun fall activities, and one step closer to an ever rounding belly and meeting Cody in a few short months!

6 Replies to “Tracking August”

  1. The pics just keep getting better and better; these are terrific and so
    colorful! Really enjoy them; keep it up.

  2. We do have fun on field trip days don’t we?
    Lots of good memories being made.

    No more kidney stones. :0(
    Love, Mom