Tracking February

Tracking February

We are three months in. Last year at this time I had an eleven month old and a two and a half year old. Today was the first day I felt like things were finally gelling with three while working.


I adamantly dislike when someone alludes that “working from home” is something of an easier setup. It just says to me that they have never experienced a day of it, let alone nearly four years. I do agree there are some really handy perks: not having to gather three small children, fully packed and ready, to a babysitter every morning (two days a week is enough!). Staying in my pajamas in order to get working on a project before kids wake up is another handy one. Yet regardless of the perks, setbacks, or misconceptions, I am so grateful for the opportunity. I love these kids so much.


Rory has decided to really expand her vocabulary in the last week or two. No longer are the one or two word commands “cup” “shake” “pig” etc. but enter real communication:


Example one:
“Good night Rory. I love you.”
“Good night Momma, I love you this much (stretches arms as far as they will go). Thank you. See you tomorrow.”

Example two:
“Rory, I like coloring with you.”
“Yes, I like coloring with you too. I like pigs too. And I like mashed potatoes…oh and I like cookies. I love Ryder and Cody.”



There is something undeniably loveable about Cody. He is calm (like his dad). Sleeps like a champ (like his dad). Cries when overly tired or hungry (like his mom). Ryder and Rory just can’t get enough of him. Ryder asked,

“Now that you have Cody’s clothes sorted for the next size, I think this means Rory can have her room back.”
“Oh? Do you mean you want Cody in your room now instead of Rory?”
“Why? I thought you liked Rory in your room.”
“Oh I do. I love Rory. But I love Cody too. And um, Rory talks too much.”

Point taken.



It is already a week into March. The month of birthdays for extended family. Ryder couldn’t be more excited. He has studied that March month on his calendar with steadfast dedication and had no doubts that today is his cousin Elliot’s birthday. Before I could even make it out of bed he was declaring it was the day of Elliot’s birth. One forgets how long two days can be between a birthday and a birthday party. It is long. And it’s not Saturday yet. I know this for a fact…and was reminded of it over and over…


Here’s to the birthdays of spring!

PS in honor of fun cousin birthdays happening this month, here’s a little video of Elliot visiting with R&R a few months ago.

5 Replies to “Tracking February”

  1. The post was great and the video the icing on the cake! Elliot does enjoy his time with the cousins. I have a video of Elliot playing traffic cop in his exer-saucer while Savannah rode around him on the deck. He loved it.
    Family vacation on the way! More memories to be made!

  2. Only 20 more days until we come to VA for a visit with Great-Grandma, Aunt Jo, and maybe Lauryn and/or Austin too! Can’t wait to get some cuddle & play time in…IF Uncle Andy gives me a turn. :O/