Tracking January

Tracking January

The viewfinder is lined up for a perfect shot. The light of the sun is aligning at that “golden” moment. We take a breath. Click!…hold, 1, 2,…”I did it!” Ryder exclaims from behind his boxy-white film camera. We wait patiently for the film to develop before our eyes. The magic happens. He has framed yet another “beautiful” photo and he is proud.



“I love taking pictures!” he says
“Me too…” I say
“I want to take pictures forever.”
“Me too…”



Ryder was given an old Fuji instant film camera from his uncle Alex over Christmas. It has been an absolute hit ever since. We have slowly used almost all the packages of film that accompanied his gift, each with careful consideration. Fire hydrants, rocks, Rory, Cody, and strangers have all held his interest for a shot. We compare notes as to what made the photo blurry or the subject’s head being omitted from the frame. He tries to then explain to Rory he is a “photo…graph…a picture taker!” and he carries his documented journeys in his pocket as if he is carrying gold.


Having three kids and attempting something beyond the confines of my home reminds me much of a Secret Service agent. I am constantly checking all exits when in public – never with my back to one of them. I scan the parameters and rescan them, “One…girl…Two…red head…Three…still sleeping…feeding in t-minus 34 minutes.”


Feeding while in public is a completely different strategy. There is a bit of “well, I just can’t help right now…” Which means both Ryder and Rory are learning new things and thankfully surviving through them: monkey bars might not be as fun if mommy can’t get you down for 15 minutes. Arms magically have grown to the respective length in order to wipe one’s own rear end. Getting a DVD, putting it in the player, turning on the entire system, and starting the movie is a possibility if given enough time.



I swear they have both figured out exactly how long it takes to feed Cody because that is when a good hand washing in the toilet occurs; Peeing in each bathroom and missing a “few times”; Eating an entire bag of rice cakes; Playing/renaming files on mommy’s computer; And eating half the bowl of dog food are all achievable in the allotted time.



One might wonder why I don’t get up. Because although I have radar hearing, and like most mothers, can internally sense what they are doing, it is not worth Cody’s breakfast. Aside from Rory tripping on the rug right in front of the rocking chair where I was nursing, busting her lip wide open with blood gushing everywhere or when Ryder was screaming bloody murder as he forgot how to slide down the swirly slide backwards at the park, I choose to just let the events unfold knowing that my dear son is well fed…it has to take a higher priority than toilet water.

Now, the days I do go running for my eldest screaming from the slide (and I promise some poor soul was flashed that day because Cody was protesting the interruption) or for my daughter bleeding from her sweet face, it’s a juggling act when sometimes all the balls just hit the ground. Life is good. We even achieved a family portrait in January:




Cody is two months already and sleeping through the night with ease. Rory and Ryder couldn’t be more smitten with him. I went back to work this week (half the hours from home with three kids and we survived just fine!…even when Rory went to say hello to Cody and puked in his seat just as we were about to walk out the door) and it has been much better than I expected!




Between snow one week and a beach day a few days later, much like the weather we are just rolling with life. Happy to be living it!


10 Replies to “Tracking January”

  1. LOVE IT!!! you are so amazing and have and amazing family that matches you just perfectly!! love you my sweet friend!!

  2. We enjoyed these pictures and your write-ups immensely; they are
    always so good! The family pics are excellent and I love the color
    scheme used w/all of you. Great pics!!

    1. Yeeeah. And Cody looked so appreciative that Rory was giving him attention…even with puke all over him, his carrier, his coat…Pig…poor Pig…my dress…He was smiling so big. Ah the life.