Zoom! Pow! Kaboom!

Zoom! Pow! Kaboom!

Zoom! Pow! Kaboom!


The screen swirls in an action-packed whirlwind of dueling duos. They are fighting the slyest villains. Keeping crime at bay in the darkest of Gotham’s streets.

Smack! Wham! Zonk!

Adam West and Burt Ward were the amazing Batman and Robin of the 1960s. We would watch the reruns throughout our childhood with utter amazement and excitement. The day we were given costumes was epic. My brother Ben donning the leadership role of Batman, my sister with Superman’s, and myself with complete satisfaction and absolute pride in being Robin – because little else in life made me feel as important than being my older brother’s sidekick.


We would battle in the backyard. Fight loads of laundry with a single bound. Hide out in linen closets anticipating catching villains red-handed – all before dinnertime. It was a fulfilling career and we were happy to serve.



Ryder has taken great interest in super heroes: Ultimate Spiderman, The Avengers, Iron Man. He and Chris battle it out as Captain America and Bucky, Spiderman and Iceman, Iron Man and Thor, and occasionally include Fire Star (me) and Sparky (Rory). Much to my surprise, Cody just recently gained the role of Spiderman.



All this super hero action has gotten me thinking. What is it about super heroes that captivate young kids so enthusiastically? Some say the violence is too much. The battles too rough. The villains too evil. And although all of that can be true, I think there is another way to view the obsession. Kids are always looking for role models. They will take good or bad as long as it is a role model who believes in their mission and passionately pursues it. I rather like that the majority of super heroes actually do personify, for the most part, a role model worthy of mirroring.


Strength, service, helping others. Teamwork, dedication, vision. These are all attributes of great leadership. Isn’t half the battle of becoming a great leader being able to have a vision for growth, progress, and collaboration? Super heroes do this constantly. They see a better day in the midst of some pretty hairy situations; even when their own weaknesses get in the way, they still persevere. Ryder’s imagination is running wild these days and I think imagination is part of becoming a visionary leader. What better than to couple that enthusiasm with examples of adventure, dedication through hard times and good, and ultimately that nothing can be achieved alone. “Avengers Assemble!”




Now if I can just get him to eat his vegetables…




7 Replies to “Zoom! Pow! Kaboom!”

  1. Too cute! I was allowed to be Bucky yesterday in our adventures. We were sailing the high seas in our ship (beige couch) that increased with each new family member who awoke from their naps. Cody had a dingy attached to the ship as he sat in his chair, Tobe, found a corner on the floor and Ryder’s ever present side kick, Rory, relieved me on the the couch as I made lunch. The on board after battle entertainment was “The Incredible Vegetables” by the Veggie Tales. What wonderful memories were made!
    Great pictures! I could hear him having fun :0)

  2. So cute. So how many people said something to you while you were in the grocery store? “Oh, look at that red hair! He’s so cute.” 🙂

    1. We had a few girls swoon over his adorable super-heroness. The Harris Teeter employees thought he was cool and it seemed to brighten their otherwise drab Thursday evening. We had one shopper ask if he was for or against veggies. 🙂

  3. LOVE IT! I can only imagine the smiles you get from other people that see him in action. He is adorable.

  4. These are the ultimate pics. His face is just the limit!! He is adorable and
    so adventurous. Did anyone ask you what you were doing or why you did
    that? You should send these in for something. His red hair is everything
    and more!!