Tracking July

Tracking July


“Ooooh! Ahhhh!” the crowd responds in exclamations of joyful celebration! Another 4th of July hasĀ  been celebrated!



The freedoms to live life to its fullest have been recognized once again! Birthdays are awesome like that; no matter if they are for nations or people.

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

– Declaration of Independence, 1776

To many the definition of “Liberty” and pursuing happiness are different. But I think we can all agree that celebrating life is something we have in common. July was a month of spunky life-filled celebrations! Many birthday parties were attended in celebration of little sweet girls growing in life. We were thrilled to be a part of their celebrations!

Mattie turned two on the fourth of July and did what any American girl should do – don an adorable bathing suit, put her hair up, and bask in the sunshine of a hot southern summer day while giggling with friends and accepting all sorts of delicious food galore (If you ever want an amazing salad, let me connect you with her Gaga, Oh-My-Gosh, I’ve dreamt about it since).




Kenna turned three years old and what better way to celebrate three years of life than whirring on a merry-go-round after feasting on homemade cupcakes and receiving Hot Wheel cars as party favors (yes, I said this was a little girl’s party – Kenna is just rock’n awesome like that).





And lastly we went to Kayla’s bouncy, trouncy, fun! fun! fun! fun! Fun! third birthday party. This girl has got E-N-E-R-G-Y with a capitol everything and her mother is the wisest as they come – bounce house reservations, check! Even though half of her guests (my dear sweet kids included) were a bit terrified of the gigantic bounce displays and hung out mostly at the arcade games pretending they were racing cars, scoring baskets, and escaping the dangers of taking turns with a bat for a baseball game (side note, dear owner – really? I saved three sets of front teeth from peril that day), Kayla still proved her energy skills through every bounceable display available! That’s celebrating! Go Kayla!




July was hot for celebrations. Hot for well, gee it has been hot! Trips to the park are slow and tiring. Softball cheering is exhausting and dirty.


But both are great strategies to be followed by bed!


But celebrate we did!



And as many of you know we found out about our dear baby #3 being a boy! The following day we sent Chris off to the Dominican Republic (I’ll share that week “alone” soon!) to team up with some other guys to build a house for a momma of five who had never had more than one room to raise her kids – bless you men, bless you. Even if it was a bounce house, I’m sure she’d appreciate any additional space! Bless her Lord, bless her!

So July has been fun! It has been busy! It has been a month of joyfully fun celebrations!

And Sunday… we get to attend another party! Whew, life is good!

Find something or someone to celebrate this month. Because you have the freedom to do so – life! liberty! happiness!


2 Replies to “Tracking July”

  1. I love the zonked picture and the basketball one so much! You really
    know how to take the right pictures; always enjoy them.